I'm so excited to have this one done and hanging on the wall in time for Christmas. My Christmas present to me :)
It was started on in March and finished yesterday morning before work (Dec. 22).
It wasn't too hard quilting on my machine, just a lot of threads to bury!
My sewing room is downstairs, but when quilting a larger top I prefer to do it up here on the main floor on this extra table.
When I'm not sewing in there, the sides of the table are down and it's just a little, old antique table in front of the window.
I have a large foam base around the machine to keep the quilt level with the machine, less pull from the weight of the quilt that way. My husband just "carved" it out of a big styrofoam slab and covered it with heavy duty plastic. It's not pretty, but it works like a charm!!