What's Happening?
Sewing has been happening on and off when the mood hits. It's taken about a year, but this flimsy is nearly done. The last bit of applique is almost stitched down. I had no idea where I was going with this when I started making the friendship stars. All I knew was that I had some extra yellow that needed to be used. No material was bought for this specifically, mostly leftovers and rejects from other projects. My favourite part is the smaller corner flowers and the chunky border.
I've been off from my part-time job since the middle of March, about 3 months now. The first month I was sick with a cold and persistent cough, whether it was Covid 19 or not, I'm not sure . I didn't get tested since at that time they were only testing severe cases.
I quilted and bound this finished top that someone from the Guild peiced. Since I had lots of time I handquilted it with a Baptist Fan design.
I've been off from my part-time job since the middle of March, about 3 months now. The first month I was sick with a cold and persistent cough, whether it was Covid 19 or not, I'm not sure . I didn't get tested since at that time they were only testing severe cases.
I quilted and bound this finished top that someone from the Guild peiced. Since I had lots of time I handquilted it with a Baptist Fan design.
Same story for the one below, only I think it was done before the New Year and I forgot to post about it. This one I practiced some free motion loopy swirls.
Our Guild decided to start an online Block of the Week for the summer. We are 4 weeks in of 16. They are using Moda's "Be My Neighbor" from a few years ago which is still available for free.
My "keeping it honest" shot of the sewing room ... 2 of the many projects on the go
The remaining 2 months of my time off work I've been spending time with the grandkids since the parents are all working full time still
The girls live only a few minutes away so I've been watching them a lot.
Our little man is 90 minutes away so we have only recently had backyard visits.
Last week I actually let my husband cut my hair !!!! I love my hair quite short and having it tickle my neck and ears was driving me bonkers.
Before and after :

After a long winter,my husband is now usually outside in his happy place (yard, garage, garden)
I take no credit for the yard or garden, Jim does a great job and thankfully loves doing it .. since I am no green-thumb!
Hoping to start work again part-time next week. The number of Covid cases is not too bad here right now, but I have to admit that I'm still a bit nervous about it.
Stay safe and healthy everyone.
Linking up with: OH SCRAP !